1st BC 2023 Supporters


Our sponsor

Our Gold Sponsor Sponsor



Interested to support our Bavaria Cup? Skating Event?

As an international and one-of-a-kind competition, Bavaria Cup offers a unique opportunity for sponsors to reach a diverse and engaged audience. By partnering with us, your brand will be associated with excellence and innovation, making a lasting impression on competitors and spectators alike.


Special thanks to

Our Supporters Friends

ESC Höchstadt e.V. Sportsclub

Organizer of the Bavaria Cup

Nordrheinwestfalen Ice Skating Association

is saving the competition heart of the first Bavaria Cup. Many thanks from all of us for providing the scoring technique.

Santrotec Systembau GmbH

for supporting the Bavaria Cup

City of Höchstadt

for making it possible to get the venue for the competition day

Icerink team

and the backoffice of city of Höchstadt for doing everything in their power - always

Lechner floristly

for the beautiful flowers at the ice rink entrance

Car dealer Feser Graf

for the save driving the officials

Mountain rescue

for being there the whole day. Just in case...

BIO at the VogelsEck

for preparing organic food for our athletes

Brauhaus Höchstadt a.d. Aisch

for keeping our athletes hydrated

Torben Ritter & his team

for broadcasting the Bavaria Cup via live stream

LinLay Design

for the beautiful logodesign

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